Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Movies in my life - 5

Matrix is an illusory simulated reality of the world developed by Machines in order to keep the humans manageable and submissive in their captivity.
I haven't watched this movie in theaters which later I felt, I missed.This is a wonderful movie and the conversations in this movie give you the choice to discuss so many things and interpret in so many ways regarding Philosophy.
When in the last episode I wrote something on the Cosmos and touched the point of virtual reality I just remembered the movie for it has touched me not only in this aspect but multifariously.
Many might have written regarding this movie and better explained the detail than me. I do not want to write regarding the actors, technical extravaganza specially the bullet time effect etc.,, box office collections -nothing -Just parts of some conversations I remember and those may not be the exact conversations because I am writing this long after I saw the movie and I still remembered those lines in their sense.

Oracle's conversation (Prophetic lady in the Matrix) in Matrix-1
Oracle: You know why Morpheus brought you to see me
Neo: I think so
Oracle: So you think you are the One
Neo: I don't know
Oracle: You know what that means - It means "Know thyself". I am going to let you in on a little secret. Being the One is just like being in love. No one can tell you, you are in love, you just know it.

One more thing I remembered is Agent Smith and Neo's conversation
Smith: Why do you persist
Neo: Because I chose to

Architect (The creator of Matrix) says to Neo in Matrix reloaded
The first Matrix failed because it was too perfect. It was a virtual paradise, a utopia for humanity. Unfortunately, humans are not accustomed to living in a perfect world. 
The second Matrix was designed more closely resembling the 'real world' - it was hard, it was dirty, it had death, violence, war, atrocities, and everything else a flawed species would likely create for itself. This one also failed because of lack of choice. If humans were offered a choice then over 99% would accept the Matrix and live in the virtual world, unknowingly powering the machines. The remaining percentage would choose the other option, becoming a 'free mind' destined to become part of the human resistance.

And in the final movie Matrix revolutions he stands in front of some "Ex machina" which is like a floating head of Energy

It asks Neo "What do you want" 

Neo says "Peace"

If you look at these conversations you can see the movie categorically drives your thought to the points what a human needs basically and how simply the humans deviate from the real requirement and opt for petty things of temporary satisfaction and how choice and will can turn the tables in their favor if they really wish to.

Moreover what I liked is the struggle of an individual from just feeling the thing to understanding the thing, believing in himself, taking greater challenges, raising to the occasion without any fear and with his will and sacrifice he fights alone and sometimes accompanied by his team and tries to see some good happens to humanity.

There are so many other conversations with Merovingian, Seraph, Sati, Morpheus and Agent Smith the other characters of the movie and if I start telling all this it will be narrating the movie on paper except some scenes.


  1. what more can i say. Matrix is not a movie. Its a commentary on the reality and illusion around us. Every time i saw matrix i picked up new thought lines.
    look at agent smith's description about hummans
    "I'd like to share a revelation during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You are a plague, and we are the cure"

    and Morpheus prophetic words
    " there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path"

    watch it like a FILM. its simple entertainment.

    are you a sufferer? are you guilty? aere you driven by desires? are you "you"? then watch it from that perspective. you will discover new horizons

  2. Thanks dear mohan
    When you said guilt and suffering - it reminded me the book you gave to RK sir - Kite runner - fantastic book which i borrowed and read it from RK - thanks once again for the prescription
