Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Science and Philosophy - 4

My daughter Srujana asked me one question - " What you mean by that definition of maths and how through maths we study regarding space". It was night 10.00PM and we are making arrangements to go to sleep.
I was totally dumbstruck. For sometime I was unable to think of an answer to tell her exactly, because the question is from an unexpected person who was just trying to complete her 5th std., and moreover when she read my blog to pose such a question I don't know.
I thought of giving some simple and also apt answer like  "+1-1=0" - but her inquisitive looks stopped me from talking further. If I say something , then the questions will not stop until she is satisfied, and I don't know where it will stop and at what time - I said "go to sleep we will talk tomorrow in the morning". 
One more thing is, my knowledge is limited to general descriptions and definitions of all subjects and my application of transcendental logic cannot explain all things if she digs further.
While relaxing, before totally immersing in sleep, I started thinking what I know and what is "space" in simple words which I can explain to my daughter at the same time I remembered my blog where I am just trying to relate things to justify a priori of "science advancement leads to god" - the following things came to my mind

1. Concept of space will give a basic understanding of the physical universe
2. Space is area between two celestial bodies where there is nothing ??? Is there anything in this nothing???
3. Space is caused by big bang and rapidly increasing 
4. Space is bound less
5. Earlier it was thought that "Ether" a space filling substance is there in the space which rather became an obsolete theory after Einstein's "Theory of relativity" and introduction of space time, even Einstein's reinstatement as gravitational ether doesn't evoke much interest. 
6. Whatever points above are related to the outer space and there are spaces external and internal in all Macrocosms as well as Microcosms
7. Kant a German philosopher opined that space and time are two elements which humans use to structure their experience.
Thought this is enough stuff to feed my dear and involve her for asking questions further which will result in a discussion where we will go step by step and I will also learn after they put forth their doubts by studying some more material if required.

In the morning again I tried to start the same discussion and repeated my thought "+1-1=0" to both Srujana and Krishna my son. Then my son started shouting why it is +1-1 why can't it be +2-1 and +1+1 and said "stop now we need to go to the school", and ordered me to collect DVDs of latest movies and keep them ready by evening. My daughter also joined the bandwagon and asked me to collect DVDs and said we will talk later on this space issue.

After this I am lost in my own thought process and my strong contention is, space is such a thing which will relate everything. The other things may differ in their composition and characteristics but this simple thing "space" which is the start of this universe and  prevalent everywhere and in everything and is more complex beyond anybody's imagination.

In this I narrated the whole thing by taking the real life discussion at my home and the subject is minimized or spelt out like headlines to make it more readable without making it as a Maths/ Science lesson. 

To be contd.....................

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