Saturday, February 26, 2011

ఆలోచనల స్రవంతి - 17

నిజంగా ఆలోచనకి వచ్చినవన్నీ  filter లేకుండా  వ్రాసేస్తే  - "ఏప్రిల్ 1 విడుదల" సినిమా లాగ 

ఇలాగ ఎందుకనిపించిందంటే మొన్న RK వాడి old student మోహన్ తో మాట్లాడుతూ ఉంటే ఇప్పుడు నేను నా కోసం వ్రాయడం  మానేసి జనాలకోసం వ్రాయడం మొదలెట్టానని comment వచ్చింది అని చెప్పాడు. చాలాసేపు ఆలోచనలో పడ్డాను. అప్పుడు అనిపించింది ఎవరో అన్నారని ఇంత సేపు ఆలోచిస్తే నేను పూర్తిగా ఎవరేమనుకుంటున్నారో అని definite గా నాకు తెలియకుండానే effect అయి వ్రాస్తున్నానని. ఇప్పుడు వ్రాసే దాంట్లో force ఉందా లేదా తరువాత.

అయినా ఎవడి గోల ఎవడికి కావాలి. ఎవడి ఆత్మఘోష వాడిది. నేను మొన్న రాంబాబు తో మాట్లాడితే వాడన్నాడు. నువ్వు ఇప్పుడు వ్రాసే దాంతో నాకు పెద్ద పరిచయం లేదు. నేను comment చెయ్యను, నీ బాధలు నువ్వు పడు అని. సరే ఇప్పుడు filter తీసి వ్రాస్తే ఎమోస్తుందో చూద్దామని మొదలెట్టాను. ఏ ఆలోచన వస్తే అదే.

1 . అమ్మలు ఇంకా phone చెయ్యలేదేమిటి??
2 . పిల్లల school seats ఎలా - ఈ dibrugarh లో ఎవడిని పట్టుకుంటే  వస్తాయి??
3 . ఇంకా ఇల్లు వెతకాలి - ఎప్పటికవుతుందో
4 . family shift చెయ్యాలి  - car కూడా  
5 . నాన్నగారికి ఎలా ఉందొ -  ఆయనకేమైనా అయితే ఎలా??
6 . ఈ work  site లో grip ఎలా వస్తుంది?
7 . వాడెవడో జాతకం వాడు May నించి బాగుంటుంది అన్నాడు - నిజంగానే బాగుంటుందా??
8 . ఈ తొక్కలో blog bore కొడుతున్నాది  . పాఠాలు చెప్పినట్టు ఇదేమిటో వ్రాస్తున్నాను. నాకే సరిగ్గా నచ్చటంలేదు. ఇంకేవడికి నచ్చుతుంది. నచ్చుకుంటే నచ్చుకున్నారు పొతే పోయారు వదిలేయి.
9 . ఈ అగర్వాల్ గాడి నస ఏమిటి. వెధవ ఉద్యోగం 20 ఏళ్ళు అయినా ఈ మట్టి గోల ఏమిటో. చెత్తకాయి civil engineering . పైకి royal civil అని ఫోజులు.
10 . సొంత company పెడితే ఏమైనా సుఖం ఉంటుందేమో? risk part తలుచుకుంటే  భయం వేస్తుంది. అయినా చూద్దాం ఏమవుతుందో.
11. ఇన్ని మందులు వాడినా దగ్గు తగ్గటం లేదు. ఇంకేమి చేయాలి.
12 . ఇదేమిటి నా planning చెబుతున్నాను - నా ఆలోచనలు ఇంతేనా??
13 . నేను బాగా domestic life కి అలవాటు పడిపోయినట్టున్నాను. అందుకే priority లో ఈ points వచ్చాయి.
14 . నిజంగా ఆలోచనలలో  fire రావాలంటే ఏమి చెయ్యాలో. అసలు fire ఎందుకు ప్రశాంతత లేకుండా - ఉన్న మంటలు సరిపోకా ఇంకా fire.
15. ఓంకార పంజర సుఖీ   - ఉపనిషదుద్యాన కేళీ కలకంఠీ - ఆగమ విపిన మయూరీ- ప్రత్యక్ష మాహేశ్వరీ
16 . మధ్యలో ఇదేంటో - మూడు ఇడ్లీలు తిని ఓం అన్నట్టు - ఇది దేనికి ఉపమానం బాబు??
17 . సత్సంగత్వే నిస్సంగత్వం - నిస్సంగత్వే నిర్మోహత్వం - నిర్మోహత్వే నిశ్చల తత్త్వం - నిశ్చల తత్వే జీవన్ముక్తిహి 
18 .senseless life 
19 .దంష్ట్రా కరాళానిచతే ముఖాని  - దృష్ట్వైవ కాలానల సన్నిభాని - దిశోనజానే నలభేచ శర్మ - ప్రసీద దేవేశ జగన్నివాస 
20. ఇదేంటి నేను ఆఖరి ద్వారం తెరిచినట్టు - ద్వారం తెరిచియే ఉన్నది
21. The weaker zones are the tentacles of the ventricle - ఇదేమి  అనుప్రాసమో  - బాగా పిచ్చి పట్టినట్టుంది.

ఇంకా చాలు ఏమి వ్రాసానో చూద్దాం అనిపించింది - సరే రేపు చూద్దామని కట్టేసి పడుకుంటున్నాను

మళ్ళీ ఇవాళ తెరిచి చూస్తె నిన్న వ్రాసినవి చూసి ఏమి అనిపించలేదు.

నా friends కి ఏమనిపిస్తుందో ఈ పైనున్నది చదివి.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Movies in my life - 5

Matrix is an illusory simulated reality of the world developed by Machines in order to keep the humans manageable and submissive in their captivity.
I haven't watched this movie in theaters which later I felt, I missed.This is a wonderful movie and the conversations in this movie give you the choice to discuss so many things and interpret in so many ways regarding Philosophy.
When in the last episode I wrote something on the Cosmos and touched the point of virtual reality I just remembered the movie for it has touched me not only in this aspect but multifariously.
Many might have written regarding this movie and better explained the detail than me. I do not want to write regarding the actors, technical extravaganza specially the bullet time effect etc.,, box office collections -nothing -Just parts of some conversations I remember and those may not be the exact conversations because I am writing this long after I saw the movie and I still remembered those lines in their sense.

Oracle's conversation (Prophetic lady in the Matrix) in Matrix-1
Oracle: You know why Morpheus brought you to see me
Neo: I think so
Oracle: So you think you are the One
Neo: I don't know
Oracle: You know what that means - It means "Know thyself". I am going to let you in on a little secret. Being the One is just like being in love. No one can tell you, you are in love, you just know it.

One more thing I remembered is Agent Smith and Neo's conversation
Smith: Why do you persist
Neo: Because I chose to

Architect (The creator of Matrix) says to Neo in Matrix reloaded
The first Matrix failed because it was too perfect. It was a virtual paradise, a utopia for humanity. Unfortunately, humans are not accustomed to living in a perfect world. 
The second Matrix was designed more closely resembling the 'real world' - it was hard, it was dirty, it had death, violence, war, atrocities, and everything else a flawed species would likely create for itself. This one also failed because of lack of choice. If humans were offered a choice then over 99% would accept the Matrix and live in the virtual world, unknowingly powering the machines. The remaining percentage would choose the other option, becoming a 'free mind' destined to become part of the human resistance.

And in the final movie Matrix revolutions he stands in front of some "Ex machina" which is like a floating head of Energy

It asks Neo "What do you want" 

Neo says "Peace"

If you look at these conversations you can see the movie categorically drives your thought to the points what a human needs basically and how simply the humans deviate from the real requirement and opt for petty things of temporary satisfaction and how choice and will can turn the tables in their favor if they really wish to.

Moreover what I liked is the struggle of an individual from just feeling the thing to understanding the thing, believing in himself, taking greater challenges, raising to the occasion without any fear and with his will and sacrifice he fights alone and sometimes accompanied by his team and tries to see some good happens to humanity.

There are so many other conversations with Merovingian, Seraph, Sati, Morpheus and Agent Smith the other characters of the movie and if I start telling all this it will be narrating the movie on paper except some scenes.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Science and Philosophy - 8


Just in last episode we dug down to quark to define thought and other human physiology fundamentals.
Now let us blow our thought to this word Cosmos.

Cosmos is generally used as synonym to this Universe.
According to the latest scientific theories the Cosmos started 13.7 billion years with Big bang.
From the second it started it is continuously expanding into the space and has no edges.
It is based on the inflationary model where inflation is a term used for exponential expansion.
Initially human started observing the universe and tried to understand the  movements and motions of stars and other celestial bodies which are visible to the naked eye.
Further he invented the telescope to see the celestial objects and understood in a better way which helped Astronomy(study of celestial objects/universe) to become a modern science. And even further now we are sending satellites to have observations on space.
Humans developed theories after formulating the basic principles in physics and applied those to the observations of the universe and deduced so many facts about the same.

Apart from big bang there is also one more theory like "String theory" which is in developing stage and once more predictions and deductions made can throw light into so many unidentified dimensions and multiple universes.
This theory needs more dimensions to justify other than the four dimensions used for space time concept.
It says that the electrons and quarks are not "0" dimensional things but "1" dimensional strings which can move vibrate to give the observed particles their flavor, charge , mass and spin.

So many other theories are there which i may not have read, based on assumptions and calculations - explanations being given - basic particles are the same in the outer space as inside a human body as of now like electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks and may be some more like mesons, photons, bosons, branes etc., based on the theories and discoveries made.

After all this learning and discussion my question is "Is there any meaning to this life and reason why we are living - Is it simply we evolved we are living"??

And If the basic particles are same , may be some other and some more, somewhere else but definitely there will be some connectivity of all the things in nature - Is it so??

Any basic principle is there which allowed this evolution of life and mind through which we are thinking and trying to meet ends??

Or is it a virtual reality - where everything is virtual and non existent??

Or whether omnipotent, omni present and omniscient GOD (the higher power source) is really there who/ which controls things in an orderly manner.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Science and Philosophy - 7

Thought is defining feature of a human being
Thought takes the help of mind for its activity resulting in ideas
Mind assimilates all the experiences that are in and around a human through consciousness and generates feelings/experiences and imagination.
Feelings, Ideas, Imagination and thoughts mixed up result in human behavior and function through human physiology.

Human physiology is the result of Human adapting to the environment in a better way and thought process/cognition is the parallel activity in evolution that got refined with time which guided the physiology resulting in function and further human behavior

Then what is mind made up of??
Biologically it is brain and its abstract form is mind
Biologically brain is the center to control nervous system and through mind is responsible for thought.

What is this brain made up of??
Brain is made up of cerebrum and cerebellum 
Cerebral cortex is a neural tissue formed from neurons and myelinated axons.
Myelin is a dielectric material that forms sheath over axon around a neuron

Cerebellum which is the controlling part of brain also has neurons in specific arrangement

What is neuron??
Neuron is an electrically excitable nerve cell that processes and transmits information by electrical and chemical signalling.

What is electricity?? What are the chemicals in brain??
Electricity is flow of electric charge and electric charge is a property of subatomic particles which gives rise to and interacts with electro magnetic force.
Charge originates in the atom and the carriers are electron and proton.
Chemicals in the brain are sodium, potassium, chloride and calcium and the difference in concentrations of them gives voltage or rather electrical charge which again sub divided result in electrons and protons.

What is in the electron and proton, but before that what is there inside a neuron??
Inside neuron there is soma which forms nucleus of the cell
Electron is a subatomic particle carrying negative electric charge
Proton is also a sub atomic particle carrying positive electric charge and composed of fundamental particles called quarks
Electrons with atomic nuclei which is made up of protons and neutrons make atoms.

What is nucleus??
Nucleus generally is core of anything and atomic nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons and orbiting electrons and all these electrons, protons, neutrons are composed by quarks.

What is a quark??
Quark is an elementary particle and fundamental constituent of matter.

This is where the research of human stands as of now.

So how do we define thought??
Is it quarks composed to form electron, proton, neutron, neuron and positioned in such a way and their interaction in different proportions to form chemicals, and in turn chemicals interacting to form nervous system and brain, and the electrical and electromagnetic charges due to the difference in concentrations of these transmits signals in the brain which again interacts with external universe which again if split shows the same subatomic particles  - to give rise to "Thought" - Is it so??

Can everything in universe can be explained in the same way as thought??

It means there is no living , non living differentiation. What ever may be the matter it is basic atoms and sub atomic particles in different mathematical proportions and combinations.Is that it??

Further in between these minute basic particles what is the thing lying?? - It is "Space".

To be contd.......

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Science and Philosophy - 6

In my reply to Mr. Mohan's comment this is what I stated
Human is most superior being nature has evolved till date and he is one of the forms of Brahman and variegated manifestation of Brahman - who can think reason and understand the nature which is Brahman again - the sciences are the off shoots of extensive thinking, research and formulation of theories by human in his quest to truth and an attempt by the human to get control on nature both inner and outer - which till date he is unable to achieve. Say ultimately one day even if human conquers the nature what he has to do with it - try for internal peace and create external surroundings which will help the same or damage his own entity by misusing the same, and as on date history is in line with the second one. If Ramakrishna Paramahamsa has experienced and seen the superior force, what he did with that? Whether all others can exercise the same control even after getting the immense power or simply misuse so that this species is extinct even before the negative part of the nature engulfs us?

One of my best friends after reading this blog asked me some questions and the conversation in the chat is as follows
My friend(MF) : Man is God??
Me: Yes , Aham Brahmasmi
MF: So RK Paramahamsa discovered himself as Budhdha did long ago
Me: Yes
MF: If this is so we are made with a combination and once the combination is over we are converted into other (Law of conservation of mass)
Me: The combination will be over if we meddle too much with nature - and new combinations will follow as per external nature which is fingered
MF: So man's thoughts are controlled by his nature which he has not hold of. One who sees or gets hold of his nature realizes the truth
Me: Yes - ante sookshmam

Mr. Shyam's comments and my views
a. If this theory of yours gains currency and accepted then wickedness is a product of certain things which are not under the control of man. Isn't it easy for a evil doer to argue(a hypothetical proposition) that his doings are not his but some things beyond his control(provided this theory becomes very much acceptable in the likes of shariyat etc.,)

Qualities like wickedness , goodness are a thought far. The same thing at one point of time seems to be good and in other context evil - You can also refer your RK sir's comment in Kotta Bhetala Kathalu - Joseph Vankayala the Achiever, regarding morals and social construct which is more apt and fitting explanation - It is more simple "You do or don't do - not that it is good or bad - and not doing is one way of doing things"
I understand "Shariyat" is Muslim law which is dependent on a person who is occupying the supreme seat in Muslim religion - If you start discussing of that religion again it is an ocean - It is his discretion to decide on things whether it is acceptable to all or somebody say it is biased and simply it is view of the mob again - every time majority wins except for a few unconventional cases.

b. If the theory of Ajay Shukla was also ultimate then there are many a infinite "space" in this ever expanding space(thanks to big bang) and scope of same life form with same thoughts is imminent
If you mean to say that we are not alone in the universe -then there are all probabilities that we may not be alone -It is just a matter of time till we find them
If you are talking about reincarnation we will discuss on it in the further posts

c. When you realize your nature or you are in a position to separate yourself from your nature do we acquire supernatural powers?

There is nothing supernatural - Everything is natural after you understand the reason - Even immense power is natural
eg: If you cannot understand the trick you call him baba who has supernatural powers - If you know it is trick you call him magician - If you know the trick you can be a baba to persons who don't understand and you will be a magician to people who know it is a trick- 
likewise varied examples can be given for this 

d. If in this life man cannot get to his nature man and his nature are separated at only one time death? isn't it
Man is a part of nature - and you cannot separate yourself from nature even after death and even death is natural

We will go back to science advancement in the next episode again

To be contd.......

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Science and Philosophy - 5

Today I read what I have written in the last three episodes of science discussion. I as well gave some details but, I felt I am leading nowhere. What are the three main points in the last three episodes what I am emphasizing 
1. Human has got logic and reasoning in his thinking 
2. With the help of above he discovered sciences, in the quest to find out truth of this universe, which are intertwined and also invented somethings which will be of use to him
3. Space is such a thing which relates everything

Further what I want to tell is about basics of sciences, why because - If we say computer and internet which are the ubiquitous end products for use and through which I am communicating my thoughts to my friends - just a glance of how the sciences involved in it
1. Computer uses binary coding and logic which is Maths
2. It uses integrated circuits with semi conductors, micro processors and basic function of circuits are the principles of physics
3. It uses semi conducting materials like Germanium, in circuits and transistors, which are discovered and the properties are specified by chemistry
4. Our biology is helping us to read this - further integration of this with biology leads to Androids (robots)/ Humanoids which, seemingly, will be a part of our life like toothbrush etc., in near future
Internet again uses all sciences and connects computer systems and also can be expressed same way.
And science is advancing so fast in the last century in leaps and bounds and specializations in each and every aspect, it is very difficult to follow science in all levels and in detail - I am just trying to give a glance of already what is unearthed to predict where it will lead to and what is its necessity and what in reality human needs - is it too much of science?? or is it GOD?? or a balance between science and GOD?? or is it simply science to GOD

Maths which is further classified into Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Analysis based on its study of quantity , structure, space and change and is called Pure Mathematics, and Applied Mathematics is using the pure maths to solve problems of sciences and businesses.
Physics is study of matter and a natural science which is further divided into Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Thermodynamics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity.
Chemistry into organic, inorganic, physical and analytical chemistry
Biology into Botany and Zoology and modern biology is based on principles like cell theory, evolution, genetics, homeostasis and energy

How to define human??
Human is basically composed of chemical materials like Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and nitrogen mixed in mathematical proportions of definite nature and held together by laws of physics and universe - That is it??

Then how to define thought??

To be contd.......

Friday, February 4, 2011

naa paata kavitvam - 28

Found some of my old poetry

Earlier I used to frame some poetry taking difficult words/ expressions from some other good poems to fit in my thought line and write something just to develop my English - I read "Paradise lost" by Milton and used most of its expressions and words to write this poem

The abstruse tranquility of my reluctant derelict
Is abducted to that perilous edge 
Of my past amorous context
Vigor of unfrequented abyss
Met with its transcendent nemesis
The fragrance that roused my amatory world
Lost, after lasting long, sublimed in my thought
Yes "Thought" the audacious king of doubtful hue 
Adorned rushed and crushed my pretendent amnesty
I am lost in those callous days
Where I tried to decipher the script of love
Wanderer of those subterranean muses
I flew with my undaunted wings
Played uninterrupted music on time's strings
But my quixotic soliloquy is superfluous
Practical mandatory morals are omnivorous
My microcosm is lost in this large macrocosm
I remain a prototype of onerous sarcasm
Still I say" All is not lost, All is not lost"
Still I have an ear for that ardent music...........

Yes it is true
I know what the world looks like
But my actor benefactor
Tell me what I must be to live

Yes I will believe
Whatever you say without doubt
But my thinker my philosopher
Tell me how to control inner vibes
The analysis of my caprice 
And to stay against my blood

Oh! my economist
What orientation you give to economy
Tell me how to take out thorns
Tell me how to fill the gap............................

ఎత్తుకోవాలని ఉంది, ఎడదకి
హత్తుకోవాలని ఉంది, ఉమా సుమాలనేన్నో
మనసుకు కొత్త కావాలని ఉంది

To be  contd ........

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Science and Philosophy - 4

My daughter Srujana asked me one question - " What you mean by that definition of maths and how through maths we study regarding space". It was night 10.00PM and we are making arrangements to go to sleep.
I was totally dumbstruck. For sometime I was unable to think of an answer to tell her exactly, because the question is from an unexpected person who was just trying to complete her 5th std., and moreover when she read my blog to pose such a question I don't know.
I thought of giving some simple and also apt answer like  "+1-1=0" - but her inquisitive looks stopped me from talking further. If I say something , then the questions will not stop until she is satisfied, and I don't know where it will stop and at what time - I said "go to sleep we will talk tomorrow in the morning". 
One more thing is, my knowledge is limited to general descriptions and definitions of all subjects and my application of transcendental logic cannot explain all things if she digs further.
While relaxing, before totally immersing in sleep, I started thinking what I know and what is "space" in simple words which I can explain to my daughter at the same time I remembered my blog where I am just trying to relate things to justify a priori of "science advancement leads to god" - the following things came to my mind

1. Concept of space will give a basic understanding of the physical universe
2. Space is area between two celestial bodies where there is nothing ??? Is there anything in this nothing???
3. Space is caused by big bang and rapidly increasing 
4. Space is bound less
5. Earlier it was thought that "Ether" a space filling substance is there in the space which rather became an obsolete theory after Einstein's "Theory of relativity" and introduction of space time, even Einstein's reinstatement as gravitational ether doesn't evoke much interest. 
6. Whatever points above are related to the outer space and there are spaces external and internal in all Macrocosms as well as Microcosms
7. Kant a German philosopher opined that space and time are two elements which humans use to structure their experience.
Thought this is enough stuff to feed my dear and involve her for asking questions further which will result in a discussion where we will go step by step and I will also learn after they put forth their doubts by studying some more material if required.

In the morning again I tried to start the same discussion and repeated my thought "+1-1=0" to both Srujana and Krishna my son. Then my son started shouting why it is +1-1 why can't it be +2-1 and +1+1 and said "stop now we need to go to the school", and ordered me to collect DVDs of latest movies and keep them ready by evening. My daughter also joined the bandwagon and asked me to collect DVDs and said we will talk later on this space issue.

After this I am lost in my own thought process and my strong contention is, space is such a thing which will relate everything. The other things may differ in their composition and characteristics but this simple thing "space" which is the start of this universe and  prevalent everywhere and in everything and is more complex beyond anybody's imagination.

In this I narrated the whole thing by taking the real life discussion at my home and the subject is minimized or spelt out like headlines to make it more readable without making it as a Maths/ Science lesson. 

To be contd.....................