Sunday, August 5, 2012

ఆలోచనల స్రవంతి -35

“Why should one strive to be ideal in life?”

RK’s student has posed this question to which RK has given an almost perfect reply - “You live by the way you choose and you like to live that way. The other way always beckons. You avoid it because you hate it or you fear it. The result lies ahead”

A question immediately came to my mind after reading the two SMS is “What is this ideal?” and till you define “ideal” this question cannot be answered. The exact meaning of this word is “Answering to one’s highest conception” which is an abstract one and cannot be found in this material world except in one’s own mind/thought.

Then one has to answer himself for his understanding of his highest conception whether “Is it which is accepted by the society” or “is it something which comes out of his inner voice or say perception?” And both are two faces of a coin which will be together and don’t face each other and in this case affecting each other.
The thing that defines a human being is how he strikes a chord between these two. It is like you try to attain an equilibrium state by balancing inner and outer world. Once your understanding and definitions are frozen to quite an extent then it becomes easier to one of what he wants. Then his ideal is set.

Definitely one tries to answer his own highest conception or rather ideal, what is set by his thought line which is resultant of the combination of him and environment he lives in. He may reach there with high physical and mental strain or rather easily, and what affects this is totally a different concept. So it is in his nature to seek his ideal.

There is no bench mark for this “ideal” thing and as I said earlier “Nothing is permanent, everything is contemporary” and “Change is inevitable.”

Seems the above reply is too philosophical but fact.

We can check on some more quotes by individuals whom the world already identified as successful.  

 “Your time is limited; don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinion drown your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs

Personally Steve Jobs may be anything and maybe he followed on these lines and made achievements, the result which the society identifies as rich, but irrespective of that I definitely go with this quote only in case I know with a clarity where the own inner voice drives . If I follow my inner voice then definitely I will be happy. Then with clarity how you identify, acknowledge and follow your own inner voice. For this you need to trigger your analytical skills and thinking patterns. Identify your skill set and define what you want to become. Identify the platform where you are using your skill set and rules of the governments, societies in vogue. Then check whether on the particular platform with your skill set you can achieve your dream or not.

One more quote in this context which is relevant to a particular phase in society which I found apt to present conditions and which causes frustration to an individual who is real good, creative and contributes.

“When you know that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing,
When you see that money is flowing to those who deal not in goods but in favors,
When you see that men get rich more easily by graft rather than by work,
and your laws no longer protect you against them but protect them against you...... 
you know that your society is doomed~ AYN RAND in "Atlas Shrugged"

It is up to us to decide what we need and where we fit in.


  1. Most of my students ask me..why Kamesh is that important in your life that you often repeat his name? Even my parents, my brother and kamesh himself raised this question so many times.

    Admiration is never a point here. I admire lots of people. But admiration is simply a pleasure towards some one who is doing things which you cannot do or feel you can never do.

    It takes a great degree of wisdom and .... to make one change his ways and methods. And the one who brings in such change is above every one in your life.

    All the above words are simply a thumb rule to get set and go.


  2. at certain times we force life as per others requirements and needs. Its where a conflict starts. Most of the people lead life as per the norms, requirements and needs of others(society). This is a followed way to end conflict. And the rest....dont know. because every one who chose the other way has his own experiences.

  3. And finally i remembered when we met for the first time. wonderful days where i knew i am learning every day.

  4. Chy Kamesh
    i never thought you posses such varied knowledge on matters ranging from spirituality to society. Often Krishna quotes you but it is the recent past i have come across your priceless lines. I made my grand son recite at least two to three bhagvadgita slokas you have written.
    It seems a lot of friction being in a continuance among the students. Particularly those who graduated four to five years back. I think its because of a moral dilemma as well as sinking ethical sense. ఎవరికి లేనిది మనకేందుకులే అనే escapist tendency. I felt to quote Betrand Russel as well as Thoreau in the present context.
    Gaining Knowledge is quite different from gaining wisdom. As Russell Says "Wisdom is needed in the choice of ends to be pursued and in Emancipation from personal prejudice". Even an end which it would be noble to pursue if it were attainable may be pursued unwisely if it is inherently impossible of achievement. This is a baseline thought to be imparted among children. Many men in past ages devoted their lives to a search for philosopher's stone or elixir of life. However they ended their lives without ever finding them. Their lives were wasted.

    The essence of life is to gain wisdom. It liberates you from the tyranny of the past and the present. We cannot help egoism of our senses. sight, sound, touch are indispensable to our body and cannot be made impersonal. How ever as you grow up you can control your thoughts and your senses. You can develop an impartial view on the world around you. Its here you develop an "Utopia". Your utopia. But your utopia and the society never agree on many things. It is here we have to grow the quality of impartiality towards world and make amends to your utopia. The words "Your utopia" may sound a bit absurd but i feel every one has their own utopia.

    i feel the onus is now on gaining knowledge rather than on wisdom. Its knowledge vs wisdom.

    The conscience of each person should decide what for he is standing or living. If our conscience is bound or influenced by majority we are living on a selfish plane. If an individual does what is necessary rather than what is right and he is accommodated into the society with full honours then it is opportunism. The hallmarks of any modern society are these qualities. In fact societies are/were always limited by such fences. Those who followed lived happily from times immemorial.

    Now the basic question is confused. Is it difficult to live by an ideal or It ideal necessary? Society worships or fears those who against it. It honours those whom it worships now and then to keep them in good spirits. It kills those whom it fears. It is history. Ask krishna. So you can choose a safe ideal and get respect like Gandhiji. Otherwise choose an alarming ideal like the IAS officer who got killed by the very society for which he is contributing.

    Concluding..To the student who raised this..

    desperation and disappointments always make us think about the way we chose to walk. Look at Ramakrishna .I never heard him saying let us change our school system. He is very sincere to his utopia ..ideal or whatever. And despite innumerable flaws he gains respect from every quarter because the scoiety around him knows that its difficult to carry the ideal. So its your love towards your ideals that makes you strong and its an apprehension on your beliefs that makes you think other wise.

  5. I am honored to get message from Esteemed Mother and Great Teacher. I submit my opinion later in reply. One more time I wish to extend my heartfelt congratulations to my friend RK on standing for his ideals even in the toughest times against the tide of unethical practices.
